Hi. My name is Julian and this is my personal blog where I write about topics that I find exciting.

These include:

  • IT security
  • privacy
  • CTFs (capture the flag)
  • and other IT-related topics

Why mialikescoffee.com ?

The name refers to the character Mia Wallace from the Tarantino movie Pulp Fiction from 1994.

I also enjoy drinking coffee (especially when writing articles and researching) and am interested in various ways of making it (currently my favorite is filter coffee from the Hario V60).

A cup of coffee standing next to a laptop.

About the Blog

The blog is hosted with Jekyll on GitHub Pages. The theme I am using is Minimal-Mistakes.

The favicon is from Flaticon. The terminal logo in the header is also from Flaticon.

The blog can be subscribed via a feed reader. The URL for the RSS feed is: https://mialikescoffee.com/feed.xml


email: mail@mialikescoffee.com
mastodon: @mialikescoffee@social.tchncs.de